Shrimp Butter Recipe

This Shrimp Butter recipe was submitted on 6/5/09 by one of our website followers. She writes "This is one of the most requested items at our family get-togethers."

Try it for your next family gathering. I know I will be!

1 stick of butter
1 8-oz package of cream cheese
1 cup chopped baby shrimp
2 tbsp mayo or Miracle Whip
1 grated small onion

Blend all ingredients together thoroughly and let sit refrigerated for an hour or two to blend flavors. This can be used as a dip or spread on crackers. If used as a dip, you may want to thin it with a little milk or cream.


If you would like to submit your family's favorite recipe, please fill out the form on our Share A Recipe Page here.

And if you would like to find more great recipes like this Shrimp Butter recipe, visit our Shrimp Dip Recipes Main Page here.